One of the biggest pain points for insurance companies is lost time. Technology claims can be some of the most time-consuming, requiring research which can take many hours that busy claims handlers simply do not have to spare.
A lack of time on claims handlers’ part often leads to simply going with what seems to be the most cost-efficient solution at first glance - but the quickest route is not always the best or most cost-efficient one.
When involved in a case early, CATS can save days and often weeks of time in processing claims. While claims handlers often lose time to research into the technology involved in a case, we are fully up to date on latest innovations and technology, and already know where to go and who to speak to to resolve 99% of cases.
We take ownership of claims immediately - and the next time a claims handler needs to speak to us about a case is upon its resolution.
Where is most time lost?
It can take 20 to 50 days before a claim is instructed to us. During that time, an item may be replaced when it could have been repaired, or a replacement that is more expensive than necessary might be purchased.
Policyholders are also losing time that is often business-critical during this period, leading to unnecessary frustration. However, the sooner we are involved, the sooner we can take the stress of a claim off the shoulders of the claims handler, and resolve it quickly and fairly.